Monday, 4 May 2020

Union with Christ poem

I was typing some of the poetry I wrote last year this evening and thought I'd post this poem here because of what this blog is.

What a beautiful place to kneel and be silent for hours so God can come.

This poem describes union with Christ. It is what I live for!

On my knees with Christ
His broken body is my soul
For silently I’m filled with light
And obtain that Holy goal
To be one with my Lord
And share His precious pain
In His heart I’m never bored
There is nothing I could gain
What more is there to here and now
Than shadows of the next
So to hang my head and bow
In silence is where my soul finds rest
When I persevere in prayer
And beg for full submission
God fills my soul with Holy light
This union is real living

Silent prayer is sometimes the most lively part of my day, because I feel God's presence within me in silence and it is the best.
Better than sex, better than doughnuts, better than poems on Blogs. You name it.

I am not a Theologian but I'm fairly confident "His broken body is my soul" might not be technically accurate but it alludes to the union of my human soul with Christ which is made more real through Holy Communion, so it's staying as I wrote it.

Like many others I am praying, confident and trusting, that God will work miracles because of His mercy.

We will be together to worship Him safely in His churches again soon, I'm sure. I hope many in this time will have had the privilege of experiencing God's presence in the silence and stillness of solitude.

1 comment:

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