Thursday, 26 March 2020

Gatti Cadona Sempre in Piedo

Four years ago today I joined the Catholic Church.

Some may think this is a strange or stupid thing to do, but it's the only big life decision I've made which I am certain was the right choice.

I was Baptised, Confirmed and received Holy Communion for the first time at the Easter Vigil at St. Edmund’s Church, Godalming.

Above the baptismal font, and my head, where Jesus washed away my sins there is a stained-glass window and in it are the words:

“Igatti cadona sempre in piedo” or “cats always fall on their feet” in Italian.

Which is appropriate, firstly because I was a cradle cataholic- that is a cat lover from birth.
Secondly, and more importantly, it is appropriate because that day I- catty Ciara White- certainly fell on my feet.

Lovely little sketch of some awful old cat

Nine days ago, on St. Patrick’s day, I turned thirty. It’s worth celebrating because Patrick is a great Saint, but I feel in myself that I have more reason to celebrate this day than my thirtieth birthday.

The anniversary of my Baptism, Confirmation and first Holy Communion is more important to me than my birthday because my birthday only commemorates my coming into this world materially. 

The anniversary today signifies my rebirth- the day I was reborn spiritually IN God, the day I entered eternal life.

This was made possible by the ministry of the Catholic Church, and the Sacraments the Church offers for the salvation of all who realise that Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God, and that because of this fact we must follow Him in order to be saved from sin and death.

I am so grateful to God that he revealed the truth about His existence to me, so that my search for understanding and truth became seeking a person- Jesus. When I knew it was Jesus I was following I had to find the Church he started- and I am relieved that I was allowed to enter!

Even an awful old cat, like me.

In a sense my second "birthday" is the remedy to the first - on 17th March 1990 I entered a broken world, and on 26th March 2016 I was delivered from it.

The day I received three sacraments in one ceremony was the greatest day of my life- nothing will ever compare.

I am so happy to have joined the Catholic Church and to have the privilege of continuing to live a Sacramental life.

If you are interested in hearing more about why, of all the religions in the world, I decided to join the awful Catholics, please check back later because I plan on sharing a few more things about my journey into God and my continuing journey through Him and with Him and in Him.

Through sharing some of my experiences and reflections I hope that others will come to see that the pursuit of a Holy life and the certainty of truth is far more freeing than living a life of self-interest and believing things which are not true.

As this is the first post please forgive the decorative poverty, I’m just finding some feet to fall on and wanted to share my happiness with everybody TODAY.

A side project which I hope to include on this Blog is related to this so I'm mentioning it briefly and will do a separate post with more info on it.
The project-

I am about to start a design for a baptismal tattoo to cover a tattoo (of three cats) I got when I was not all there.
It will be a stain on my body forever but a baptismal cattoo can't be that bad.
Maybe the words "Gatti cadona sempre in Piedo" should be in the design. I think they should.
From one Font to another- any thoughts on cattoo lettering designs are welcome.

I hope that God will bless you as He has blessed me and that you enjoy reading.


  1. Good to read your blog, Ciara. I too remember your Reception at the Easter Vigil. Sadly no Vigil this year. Are you still hoping to go to New Zealand when we're not all in Lockdown? I'm sure you'd receive a warm welcome from Amy & Dylan!

    1. It must be Ian Honeysett.
      Yes, sad that there is no Easter vigil and no Mass.
      Perhaps providential that you had no RCIA candidates this year though, it's not much of a welcome to be locked up and have all Easter celebrations cancelled!
      I'd love to do the year in New Zealand but with the time delay and my current financial situation it is possible I won't be able to get the funds and visa in time- I might be too old.
      Maybe I will just go on holiday there instead, and I'd love to meet Amy and Dylan if I do- you've just reminded me I need to e-mail her! Oops.
      Hope you all had a lovely time out there together. You should e-mail me a picture of the little man :) God bless xxx
